2022.12.20 21:22Nation

自民・薗浦議員、21日にも辞職願 政治資金過少記載の疑い


2022.12.20 21:22Nation

Japanese Ruling Party Lawmaker Sonoura May Resign Wed.

Scandal-hit Japanese ruling party member Kentaro Sonoura is expected to offer his resignation from the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of parliament, as early as Wednesday, sources familiar with the matter said Tuesday.
   Sonoura, a 50-year-old Lower House member, faces allegations that political groups linked to him had underreported the amount of money collected through fundraising parties by about some 40 million yen.
   He is also expected to offer his resignation from the LDP, the sources said.
   If Sonoura, elected from the Lower House's No. 5 constituency of Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, quits the chamber, a by-election will take place as early as April next year.
   A political funds management group for him reported 43.62 million yen in revenue from fundraising parties in 2018-2020, and an affiliated political group reported about 10 million yen in fundraiser revenue for 2017-2019. But they are suspected of raising about 40 million yen more than reported.


