2022.12.20 11:22Nation

日本への軍事挑発示唆 安保3文書改定に反発―北朝鮮


2022.12.20 11:22Nation

N. Korea Condemns Japan Security Document Revisions

A spokesperson for North Korea's Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Tuesday condemning Japan's revisions to its three key national security documents last week as unjustifiable and unacceptable.
   According to North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency, the statement suggested that the country could engage in military provocations over the revised documents, which state that Japan will possess counterstrike capabilities.
   The statement reportedly said that North Korea will keep demonstrating through its actions its concern and displeasure over Japan's attempts to realize its unjustifiable and greedy ambitions.
   The statement was the first North Korean reaction to the Japanese document revisions.
   The North Korean spokesperson claimed that counterstrike capabilities will allow Japan to conduct pre-emptive attacks on other countries, which is nothing to do with the possession of legitimate self-defense rights by sovereign nations.


