2022.11.22 17:50Nation

「ツイッターは日本中心」 理想の高利用率―マスク氏


2022.11.22 17:50Nation

Elon Musk Calls Twitter "Japan-Centric": U.S. Media

Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter Inc., has called the social media platform "Japan-centric," U.S. technology news website The Verge reported Monday.
   "It may seem as though Twitter is U.S.-centric but if anything it's Japan-centric," Musk was quoted as saying at an all-hands meeting with Twitter employees.
   Musk said that the high usage of Twitter in Japan is what the company should aspire to "ideally in every country," according to the report.
   He noted that there are roughly the same number of daily active users in Japan as there are in the United States, while Japan has one-third the population of the United States.
   He also referred to the idea of setting up engineering teams in Japan, India, Indonesia and Brazil.


