2020.01.13 08:38Nation

自衛隊派遣「完全支持」 サウジ皇太子、安倍首相に表明―中東安定へ連携




2020.01.13 08:38Nation

Saudi Crown Prince Fully Backs Japan MSDF's Middle East Mission

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at a meeting with visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Sunday expressed full support for Japan's dispatch of a Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer and patrol aircraft to the Middle East.
   At the talks, held in Al-Ula in northwestern Saudi Arabia, Abe sought Saudi Arabia's understanding and cooperation for the MSDF mission, which is aimed at gathering information to ensure safe navigation by ships related to Japan in the region.
   In response, the crown prince, who takes charge of national politics for aging King Salman, said that his country fully supports Japan's efforts. Abe and the crown prince confirmed that Japan and Saudi Arabia will work together for the stability in the Middle East and safe navigation in the region.
   Two P-3C patrol planes of the MSDF are set to begin their mission on Jan. 20. The MSDF's Takanami destroyer is slated to leave for the Middle East on Feb. 2.
   On growing U.S.-Iran tensions that have led to an exchange of military strikes, Abe said an armed conflict in the Middle East, including Iran, will greatly affect the peace and stability in not only the region but also elsewhere in the world.


