2022.10.27 18:38Nation

子供への信仰強制に法整備を 旧統一教会元2世信者らが要望書


2022.10.27 18:38Nation

Legislation Sought to Save Children from Abuse by Religious Parents

Former second-generation members of religious groups including the Unification Church have called for quickly establishing legislation to save children from abuse and rights infringements by their religious parents.
   The former second-generation members were speaking at a press conference in Tokyo on Thursday. They also submitted a written request for a related law revision to ruling and opposition parties the same day.
   In the request, the former members stressed that coercing children into religious activities amounts to psychological abuse.
   They noted that some people born as children of members of religious groups are being forced to take part in religious activities and lead religious lives even if they do not want to do that, arguing that such cases should be clearly defined by legislation as psychological abuse.
   They also demanded that poverty resulting from parents donating large sums of money and deprivation of opportunities for education be treated as child neglect.


