2022.10.27 17:40Nation

「違憲状態」3件目 7月参院選、1票の格差―札幌高裁


2022.10.27 17:40Nation

3rd Court Finds July Upper House Poll in Unconstitutional State

Sapporo High Court ruled Thursday that the House of Councillors election in July was held in a state of unconstitutionality in terms of vote-value disparities.
   The court in the northernmost Japan prefecture of Hokkaido became the third after Osaka and Tokyo high courts to issue such a ruling over the election for the upper chamber of the Diet.
   The day's ruling was the fifth on a total of 16 lawsuits that have been filed with high court and high court branches across the country by two groups of lawyers over the Upper House poll.
   Nagoya High Court and the Matsue branch of Hiroshima High Court have found the election constitutional.
   Meanwhile, the Sapporo court rejected the plaintiffs' demand that the election results be nullified.


