2022.10.27 12:06Nation

立民「政治と宗教」の議論提起 衆院憲法審、今国会初討議


2022.10.27 12:06Nation

CDP Wants Diet Panel to Discuss Politics-Religion Ties

The opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan proposed Thursday that a House of Representatives panel on the Constitution discuss relations between politics and religion, in light of the current controversy over the religious group known as the Unification Church.
   The proposal came as the Lower House Commission on the Constitution held the first free discussion during the ongoing extraordinary session of the Diet.
   "It's timely to discuss how relations between politics and religion should be positioned under the Constitution," former education minister Masaharu Nakagawa of the CDP said.
   Nakagawa also called on the commission to discuss the state funeral held last month for former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was gunned down during a campaign speech in July.
   Meanwhile, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party called for holding discussions on revising war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution and correcting vote-value gaps between parliamentary constituencies.


