2022.10.17 08:52Nation

中村俊輔、今季限りで引退 左足キックの名手―サッカー元日本代表



 中村 俊輔(なかむら・しゅんすけ)神奈川・桐光学園高から1997年に横浜M入り。正確な左足キックで台頭し、2002年にレッジーナ(イタリア)移籍。05年に加入したセルティック(スコットランド)ではリーグ最優秀選手にアジア人として初めて選ばれるなど活躍。10年に横浜Mに復帰した。日本代表では通算98試合で24得点。178センチ、71キロ。44歳。神奈川県出身。


 1997 桐光学園高で全国高校選手権準優勝
 2000 最年少22歳でJリーグMVP
   02 W杯日韓大会メンバー落選
   03 コンフェデレーションズ杯で3ゴール
   04 アジア杯優勝の原動力となり大会MVPに
05~06 セルティック(スコットランド)加入。2冠に貢献
06~07 W杯ドイツ大会出場
   09 エスパニョール(スペイン)移籍
   10 横浜Mに復帰
   13 35歳で2度目のJリーグMVP
   17 磐田に移籍。中心選手として30試合5得点
   19 J2横浜Cに移籍し、J1昇格に貢献
   21 42歳8カ月3日のJ1最年長開幕スタメン
   22 横浜CのJ1昇格を見届け引退(2022/10/17-08:52)

2022.10.17 08:52Nation

Japan Soccer Star Nakamura to Retire after This Season

Japanese soccer star Shunsuke Nakamura, the former national team member known as a master of free kicks thanks to his precise left-foot delivery, will retire at the end of this season, informed sources said Monday.
   Although the 44-year-old veteran midfielder of Yokohama FC had already decided to hang up his boots, he made up his mind on the timing of his retirement when his team won promotion back to the J1 top division of the Japan Professional Football League on Sunday after being relegated to the J2 second division of the J.League a year ago, according to the sources.
   A native of Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, Nakamura kicked off his professional career with then Yokohama Marinos, currently Yokohama F. Marinos, in 1997. He moved to play for Italian football club Reggina in 2002.
   In 2005, Nakamura joined Scottish club Celtic, where he played brilliantly and paved the way for other Japanese players currently playing for the club. During his time at Celtic, Nakamura became the first Asian player to win the player of the year award in the Scottish league.
   Nakamura joined Spanish club Espanyol in 2009 and returned to Japan to join Yokohama F. Marinos the following year. In 2013, he became the first player ever to win the J.League's MVP award a second time.


