2020.01.09 15:44Nation

北陸新幹線、被災前水準に 3月14日から運行本数復旧


2020.01.09 15:44Nation

Hokuriku Shinkansen to Resume Full Services March 14

East Japan Railway Co. , or JR East, said Thursday that the typhoon-hit Hokuriku Shinkansen bullet train line will resume full services on March 14.
   Services on the line, which connects Tokyo and Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, central Japan, via such prefectures as Nagano, have been reduced since Typhoon Hagibis struck Japan in October last year.
   JR East's Shinkansen yard in the city of Nagano was inundated due to the flooding of a major river caused by heavy rain from the powerful typhoon, damaging 10 12-car trains for the line, including some owned by West Japan Railway Co. , or JR West, the other operator of the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line.
   The damaged trains, which made up about one-third of all Hokuriku Shinkansen trains used in pre-typhoon services, were scrapped.
   The recovery to the pre-typhoon level operations will come on the back of the introduction of newly built trains and the partial restoration of the flooded train yard, according to JR East.


