2022.09.09 16:14Nation

太陽光パネル、25年度義務化 住宅メーカーなど対象に―東京都


2022.09.09 16:14Nation

Tokyo Aims to Require Solar Panels on New Houses from FY 2025

The Tokyo metropolitan government said Friday it aims to enforce in April 2025 a new system requiring home builders and developers to install solar panels on new buildings and houses.
   Tokyo will be the first in Japan to require the installation of solar panels on new houses, according to metropolitan government officials.
   The system is expected to cover about 50 major companies that provide certain amounts of housing in Tokyo.
   The metropolitan government will submit revisions to a related ordinance to the Tokyo metropolitan assembly during its December session.
   "Gaining understanding and cooperation from residents and business operators is indispensable for the smooth launch of the system," Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike told a press conference on Friday.


