2022.09.08 20:01Nation

旧統一教会、179人が接点 自民、萩生田・山際氏ら121人氏名公表―岸田首相「今後は関係持たず」


2022.09.08 20:01Nation

Nearly Half of LDP Lawmakers Had Ties with Unification Church

Nearly half of lawmakers from Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party had some kind of ties with the religious group formerly known as the Unification Church, the LDP said Thursday.
   The LDP said that 179 of its 379 lawmakers had links to the religious group or related organizations, and disclosed the names of 121 of them.
   Speaking at a press conference, LDP Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi said, "We'll reflect on the matter candidly and make sure that members of our party don't forge ties with the Unification Church in the future."
   The LDP's tally covered incumbent lawmakers and did not include former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was shot to death in July.
   The suspect in the July 8 shooting has told investigators that he targeted Abe because he thought that the former prime minister had ties with the religious group, now formally called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.


