2022.09.06 23:27Nation

政府サイト、閲覧しづらく ロシア系がサイバー攻撃か


2022.09.06 23:27Nation

Japan Govt Website Disrupted, Possibly by Russian Cyberattack

A Japanese government website was disrupted temporarily, the Digital Agency said Tuesday, by what may be a cyberattack by a Russian hacker group displeased with Japanese support for Ukraine.
   It was difficult to access the government's e-Gov portal website that offers wide-ranging administrative information. The eLTAX portal website for local tax payment was also affected.
   The hacker group Killnet claimed responsibility for the cyberattack through social media posts. The Digital Agency is investigating the cause of the disruptions.
   Killnet said it also targeted websites of Japanese companies including JCB Co. and Mixi Inc. , citing Japan's support for Ukraine in response to the Russian invasion of the country.
   Mixi said on Twitter that its social media services were disrupted. A website of the Nagoya port's management body also became inaccessible.


