宮内庁、SNSで発信検討 「正しい情報、積極的に」
Japan Imperial Household Agency Mulling Starting Social Media
Japan's Imperial Household Agency is considering starting to send out information on the Imperial Family through social media, the agency said Tuesday.
The agency is seeking to increase its personnel to be involved in the initiative by three under its budget request for fiscal 2023, which will begin in April next year.
Claiming that wrong information has been disseminated through weekly magazine reports and social media, the agency said it will actively release correct information.
The agency currently uses its website to send out information on the Imperial Family but has never used social media for that purpose. Suggestions from outside that the agency should directly pass on correct information to the public led to the plan to utilize social media.
The agency will work on the details of the initiative, deciding whether it will use Twitter, Instagram or other social media platforms, for example, by looking at how the British and Spanish royal families have been utilizing social media. The agency is also considering fully revamping its website.