2022.08.23 18:39Nation

最低賃金、22道県「目安」超え 物価高で平均31円増の961円


2022.08.23 18:39Nation

Minimum Wages to Top Govt Recommendation in 22 Prefectures

Minimum hourly wages for fiscal 2022 will rise more than recommended by the government in 22 of Japan's 47 prefectures, the labor ministry said Tuesday.
   None of the 47 underperformed the recommended margin of 30-31 yen amid soaring prices of daily necessities and many other items.
   The national weighted average of minimum wages stands at 961 yen, up 31 yen from the previous year. The new minimum wages will take effect on or after Oct. 1.
   Kochi and Okinawa prefectures, each of which has the lowest minimum hourly wage of 820 yen by prefecture, plans a hike of 33 yen to 853 yen.
   Six prefectures including Ehime and Saga where the minimum wages are 821 yen will see a rise of 32 yen to 853 yen. The minimum wages will rise 33 yen to 854 yen in Iwate and Tottori.


