2022.08.23 15:43Nation

概算要求7961億円 NATO代表部を独立化―外務省


2022.08.23 15:43Nation

Japan to Make Mission to NATO Independent Body

The Foreign Ministry on Tuesday showed politicians a planned fiscal 2023 budget request of 796.1 billion yen including expenses to make Japan's mission to NATO an independent body with its own ambassador.
   The budget request was presented at a joint meeting of Liberal Democratic Party groups including the Foreign Affairs Division and was approved. The requested amount is up 15.3 pct from the level in the fiscal 2022 initial budget.
   Currently, the embassy in Belgium serves as the mission to NATO. The ambassador to Belgium doubles as ambassador at the mission.
   Japan has set out a policy of strengthening its ties with NATO. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attended a NATO summit in June for the first time as a sitting Japanese prime minister.
   The budget request also includes 30 million yen to conduct research on economic coercion amid China's drive to increase its influence over developing countries by leveraging its economic power.


