2022.08.23 07:04Nation

全数把握、重症リスク患者に限定 新型コロナ、若者ら定点把握へ―政府調整


2022.08.23 07:04Nation

Japan to Narrow Scope of COVID-19 Case Counting

The Japanese government is considering narrowing the scope of COVID-19 cases that are required to be reported, to reduce burdens on medical workers, informed sources said Monday.
   The government plans to limit the scope of patients whose detailed information must be reported to elderly people and others with underlying conditions who are at high risks of developing severe symptoms, the sources said.
   For young and other low-risk people, the government plans to ask only designated hospitals to report cases so that infection trends can be observed at fixed points, the sources said.
   Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is slated to announce this new policy as early as Wednesday, a government source said.
   COVID-19 is currently classified as a Class II equivalent under the infectious disease law, and the names and diagnostic information of all patients must be reported.


