2022.08.22 15:40Nation


 笹本 恒子さん(ささもと・つねこ=報道写真家)15日、老衰のため神奈川県鎌倉市の高齢者施設で死去、107歳。東京都出身。葬儀は近親者で済ませた。喪主はおいの正男(まさお)さん。

2022.08.22 15:40Nation

Tsuneko Sasamoto, Japan's 1st Female Photojournalist, Dies at 107

Tsuneko Sasamoto, known as Japan's first female photojournalist, died of old age at a facility for the elderly in the city of Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, on Aug. 15. She was 107.
   In the run-up to the Pacific War from 1941, Sasamoto took photos of events including a ladies' meeting celebrating the Tripartite Pact between Germany, Italy and Japan.
   After the war, she worked for a newspaper and then became a freelancer, including covering the conflict in Japan over the security treaty with the United States.
   Although she stepped away from her career for a time, Sasamoto made a comeback at the age of 71.
   In 2016, Sasamoto received the U.S. Lucie Award in the lifetime achievement category.


