2022.08.20 19:08Nation

立民幹事長、岡田氏で調整 参院選敗北受け―泉代表


2022.08.20 19:08Nation

Izumi Mulls Appointing Okada as CDP Secretary-General

Kenta Izumi, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, is planning on appointing former Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada as the opposition party's secretary-general, several party sources said Saturday.
   The incumbent secretary-general, Chinami Nishimura, is likely to be switched to another position in the party's executive team.
   Izumi has been considering reshuffling the CDP's executive roster since the party's defeat in the July election for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
   By appointing the veteran lawmaker as secretary-general, Izumi aims to rebuild the party's reputation ahead of unified local elections next spring.
   "I've been consulted by the party leader on many different things, and I've been telling him my opinions, but nothing has been decided," Okada said at a press conference in the city of Tsu in the central Japan prefecture of Mie.


