2022.08.18 18:37Nation

入院患者、過去最多更新 陽性者減も「注意必要」―都会議・新型コロナ


2022.08.18 18:37Nation

COVID-19 Hospitalizations in Tokyo Hit Record High

Tokyo is continuing to face a squeeze on its medical system as COVID-19 hospitalizations hit a record high this week, metropolitan government officials said Thursday.
   COVID-19 hospitalizations in the Japanese capital stood at 4,424 as of Wednesday, topping the previous high of 4,351 marked in summer last year during the fifth wave of infections.
   Although the seven-day average of new infection cases in Tokyo slid by over 20 pct from a week before to 22,602, experts said that the figure needs to be considered with caution as it is affected by the closure of many hospitals for the Bon holiday period.
   Experts said, "We need to ensure that new infection cases continue to trend lower in the next week or two."
   Meanwhile, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike told a press conference that the metropolitan government will resume its tourism promotion campaign for residents on Sept. 1, after it was put on hiatus late last month.


