2022.08.02 06:42Nation

核なき世界、米追従では実現できず NPT岸田首相演説にサーローさん


2022.08.02 06:42Nation

No Nuke-Free World if Japan Follows U.S.: Hibakusha

Setsuko Thurlow, a prominent hibakusha atomic bomb survivor, said Monday that a world without nuclear weapons cannot be achieved if Japan continues to follow the United States.
   "The (nuclear-free) society that Prime Minister (Fumio Kishida) seeks will never come as long as he continues to follow the United States," Thurlow, 90, told reporters during her visit to the U.N. headquarters, where a Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty review conference began.
   Thurlow said that she was "happy and proud" that Kishida became the first Japanese prime minister to deliver a speech at the NPT review conference the same day.
   But she said that "he made no mention of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which came into effect last year, despite saying that he will work for disarmament."
   Russia's invasion of Ukraine "has vividly demonstrated the need for nuclear disarmament," she said, calling for more action to achieve nuclear abolition.


