新資本主義、特別枠4.4兆円 防衛や脱炭素、年末へ調整―概算要求基準
Japan Sets Generous Special Quota under Budget Guidelines
The Japanese government on Friday adopted budget request guidelines for fiscal 2023, setting a special quota of at least 4.4 trillion yen to finance measures aimed at supporting Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's goal of achieving a virtuous cycle of growth and wealth distribution.
The government did not set a cap on the total amount of budget requests for the 10th straight year. Each government agency is given until the end of August to submit a budget request, and total requests will likely surpass 100 trillion yen again.
Kishida told officials that Japan needs to carry out drastic reform to strengthen its growth potential. Important measures are given priority under the fiscal 2023 budget, he said.
Subject to the special quota are spending on human resources, science technology and innovation, startups, carbon reductions and digital technology, and economic security including energy and food.
The guidelines seek to reduce discretionary policy expenditures by 10 pct from 14.9 trillion yen under the fiscal 2022 budget. Instead, agencies are allowed to request up to three times the reduced amount. Discretionary policy expenditures are spending subject to political decisions, such as public works outlays.