2022.07.28 17:10Nation

「漫画村」元運営者に19億円請求 大手出版3社が賠償提訴―東京地裁


2022.07.28 17:10Nation

Publishers Sue Ex-Mangamura Operator for 1.9-B.-Yen Damages

Three major Japanese publishers on Thursday sued the former operator of now-closed manga pirate website Mangamura for about 1,930 million yen in damages.
   The damages lawsuit, filed with Tokyo District Court by Kadokawa Corp. , Shueisha Inc. and Shogakukan Inc., is the first against Mangamura, which was known as the biggest pirate website in Japan.
   For violating the copyright law and other charges, the former operator has been sentenced to three years in prison and ordered to pay a fine of 10 million yen and forfeit 62.57 million yen.
   The lawsuit covers illegal uploads from 17 popular manga titles including "One Piece" and "Yawara!" The publishers claim that the website attracted a total of some 500 million visits between June 2017 and April 2018.
   According to antipiracy organization ABJ, created following the Mangamura case, there are still some 1,000 such illegal websites now, and damage from them totaled about 1 trillion yen in 2021.


