2022.07.27 13:02Nation

景気、6地域で上方修正 個人消費と雇用が改善―財務局長会議


2022.07.27 13:02Nation

Japan MOF Raises Economic Views for 6 Regions

Japan's Ministry of Finance revised up its economic assessments for six of the country's 11 regions on the back of improvements in consumption and employment that reflected a temporary slowdown in COVID-19 infection cases, a quarterly report showed Wednesday.
   The six regions are Hokkaido, Tohoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, Fukuoka and Okinawa, according to the report compiled at the day's meeting of heads of the ministry's local finance bureaus to check regional economic conditions in the past three months.
   The assessments are based on economic indicators released after the ministry issued its previous assessment report in April and also on interviews with companies.
   Looking ahead, the bureau chiefs showed concern over the effects from Russia's invasion of Ukraine and COVID-19 restrictions on economic activities in China.
   Also, the ministry plans to closely monitor how regional economies would be impacted by the ongoing resurgence of novel coronavirus infections and soaring prices in Japan.


