2022.07.14 15:50Nation

監査強化、8月までに 拘禁刑導入も提言―知床事故検討委

 北海道・知床半島沖で26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が沈没した事故で、国土交通省は14日、有識者による対策検討委員会を開き、小型旅客船の安全対策の中間とりまとめを公表した。速やかに講ずべき対策として、国による監査に抜き打ちやリモートなどの手法を取り入れる強化策や、行政指導の公表を挙げた。同省は、8月末までに開始する方針。

2022.07.14 15:50Nation

Japan to Bolster Inspections of Small Passenger Ships by Aug.

An expert panel of Japan's transport ministry released Thursday an interim report on strengthening safety measures for small passenger ships, following a deadly accident that involved such a ship in April.
   As measures that should be taken promptly, the report mentioned the introduction of unannounced and remote inspections and the announcement of administrative guidance. The ministry plans to implement these measures by the end of August.
   In the accident, a sightseeing tour boat sank off the Shiretoko Peninsula in the northern prefecture of Hokkaido on April 23. Of the 26 people on board, 14 have been confirmed dead and the 12 others remain unaccounted for.
   In the interim report, the panel also proposed harsher penalties for boat operators violating orders to ensure safety, and called for drawing up specific revisions to the shipping act promptly.
   Under the current law, a fine of up to one million yen is imposed for such violations. The ministry plans to boost the fine and introduce imprisonment.


