2022.06.27 17:27Nation

関東甲信、最も早い梅雨明け 東海と九州南部2位、期間最短―週内は熱中症警戒


2022.06.27 17:27Nation

Rainy Season in Eastern Japan Ends Earliest Ever

This year's rainy season appears to have finished in the Kanto-Koshin eastern Japan region, marking the earliest end since such statistics began in 1951, the Japan Meteorological Agency said Monday.
   The previous record for the region, which includes Tokyo, was marked in 2018, when the rainy season ended on June 29.
   The agency said that this year's rainy season is believed to have finished also in the Tokai central region and the southern area of the Kyushu southwestern region.
   In the past, the rainy season ended on June 22 in the Tokai region in 1963 and on June 24 in the southern area of the Kyushu region in 1955.
   This year's rainy season finished 22 days earlier than in an average year in the Kanto-Koshin and Tokai regions and 18 days sooner in the southern area of the Kyushu region. The rainy season was the shortest on record for the three regions on a preliminary data basis.


