2022.06.22 18:25Nation

政府、石炭火力へのODA支援中止 対バングラ、インドネシア


2022.06.22 18:25Nation

Japan to End ODA for 2 Coal-Fired Projects in Asia

Japan will end its official development assistance for coal-fired power generation projects in Bangladesh and Indonesia, a Foreign Ministry official has said.
   The projects are the phase 2 of the Matarbari ultra supercritical coal-fired power project in Bangladesh and the Indramayu coal-fired power project in Indonesia, Press Secretary Hikariko Ono told a news conference Wednesday.
   In June last year, Japan agreed with the other Group of Seven members to end fresh state aid by the year's end for overseas coal-fired power facilities taking no measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
   Neither of the two projects receives fresh aid from Japan.
   However, the Japanese government has decided to terminate its assistance to the Bangladeshi project in view of the "trend of international discussions on coal-fired power generation," Ono said.


