2022.06.22 21:32Nation

巨大ITとの共同交渉可能 記事配信の報道機関―公取委見解


2022.06.22 21:32Nation

News Organizations Can Unite to Negotiate with IT Giants: Japan FTC

The Japan Fair Trade Commission indicated Wednesday that the country's antimonopoly law allows news organizations to unite to negotiate with online news platforms operated by major information technology companies.
   The antitrust watchdog showed the view, in response to an inquiry from a newspaper company.
   The commission said news organizations are allowed to jointly demand platform operators, such as Yahoo Japan Corp., disclose information necessary to examine news distribution fees or jointly deal with website operators gathering and releasing news headlines without permission.
   The commission noted, however, that news organizations jointly demanding a hike in distribution fees could violate the law.
   Among news organizations, there is strong frustration that they are not receiving adequate fees from platform operators.


