2022.06.11 13:32Nation

クルミアレルギー、9年で10倍超 重篤症状も、消費増一因か―表示義務付けへ・消費者庁


2022.06.11 13:32Nation

Walnut Allergy Cases Up 10-fold in 9 Years in Japan

The number of walnut allergy cases in Japan has jumped over 10-fold in nine years, a survey by the Consumer Affairs Agency has revealed.
   Following the surge, which is believed to be partly due to an increase in walnut consumption in the country, the agency is planning to add walnuts to the list of food allergens that must be specified on product labels by the end of this fiscal year.
   According to the triennial survey, the number of walnut allergy cases rose from 40 in 2011 to 74 in 2014, 251 in 2017 and 463 in 2020.
   Severe allergy cases, including anaphylactic reactions, accounted for 58 in 2020, up drastically from four in 2011.
   In the 2020 survey, 13.5 pct of all food allergy cases were caused by tree nuts, the third largest share after 33.4 pct caused by eggs and 18.6 pct by milk. Of the tree nut allergy cases, walnuts accounted for a majority.


