2022.06.10 19:44Nation

政府・日銀「急速な円安憂慮」 初の声明、市場を強くけん制


2022.06.10 19:44Nation

Japan Govt, BOJ Share Concern over Yen's Rapid Fall

The Japanese government and the Bank of Japan expressed their shared concern Friday over the yen's recent rapid weakening against other major currencies.
   The concern was shared at a meeting of officials from the Ministry of Finance, the Financial Services Agency and the BOJ to exchange information on the international financial and capital markets.
   Such a three-way meeting has been held at times of market turmoil to discuss their response. The previous meeting was held on February 28, just after the launch of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
   Friday's meeting was attended by Masato Kanda, vice finance minister for international affairs, FSA Commissioner Junichi Nakajima, BOJ Executive Director Shinichi Uchida and others.


