2022.06.09 07:27Nation

中ロ、北朝鮮めぐり米批判 「拒否権に説明」初会合―国連総会


2022.06.09 07:27Nation

China, Russia Blast U.S. over N. Korea at U.N. Meeting on Veto Use

The U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday held a meeting for China and Russia to explain why they vetoed a Security Council resolution to strengthen sanctions on North Korea over its launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
   While many U.N. members voiced criticism over North Korea's missile launches and the exercise of veto power by China and Russia, Beijing and Moscow criticized the United States, which spearheaded the resolution presented at the Security Council meeting on May 26, arguing that the country failed to address Pyongyang's concerns over security.
   Wednesday's session was the first meeting held based on a resolution on veto holder accountability adopted by the General Assembly in April.
   Under the resolution, the five permanent members of the Security Council, which includes both China and Russia, are held accountable when they exercise their veto power, a measure introduced in hopes to prevent the abuse of such power currently plaguing the powerful U.N. organ.
   The resolution stipulates that a General Assembly meeting be convened within 10 days of the exercising of veto power at the Security Council.


