2022.06.01 07:10Nation

候補者「男女均等」道半ば 各党注力も女性3割余―参院選


2022.06.01 07:10Nation

Japan Has Long Way to Go for Gender Equality in Politics

Japan still has a long way to go to achieve gender equality among candidates in elections, with this summer's election for the House of Councillors marking the third national election since a law aimed at promoting gender equality in politics went into force in 2018.
   For the election for the upper chamber of parliament, most of six major parties have raised the proportion of female candidates from the previous Upper House election in 2019.
   As of Tuesday, however, women accounted for only 32.4 pct of all candidates, including those from minor parties, still far from the goal of an equal number of male and female candidates.
   The law calls for making the number of male and female candidates in national and local elections as equal as possible. But it sets no penalties for failing to achieve this target.
   On Monday, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party endorsed four new female candidates for Upper House proportional representation seats, bringing the share of women to 30.3 pct of all LDP proportional representation candidates, topping the 30 pct targeted by Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi.


