国内2例目の「内密出産」 県外女性が4月に―熊本・慈恵病院
Hospital Reveals 2nd Confidential Birth in Japan
A woman has given birth to a baby anonymously in the second case of so-called confidential birth in Japan, Jikei Hospital in Kumamoto Prefecture said Wednesday.
The woman from outside the southwestern Japan prefecture delivered the baby last month using the hospital's confidential birth system, which allows women to disclose their identity only to hospital staff in giving birth.
The woman, who has already left the hospital, wished to use the confidential birth system, according to the hospital in the city of Kumamoto, the capital of the prefecture. She left copies of her My Number social security identification card and health insurance card at the hospital. The baby is now under the care of the hospital. The mother is considering putting up the baby for adoption.
"It might be a harsh thing to say, but she will unlikely be able to raise the baby by herself," hospital chief Takeshi Hasuda told a press conference.
In December 2019, Jikei Hospital announced the introduction of the confidential birth system to help prevent women from giving birth alone at home or other places. Children born under the arrangement will gain the right to know details about their birth in the future.