2022.05.04 05:56Nation

日本71位に後退 報道自由度、大企業の影響力で「自己検閲」


2022.05.04 05:56Nation

Japan Falls to 71st in World Press Freedom Rankings

Japan has come 71st in the 2022 world press freedom rankings by Reporters Without Borders, or RSF, down from 67th in the 2021 rankings.
   The Paris-based press freedom group pointed to "the growing control of large industrial groups, whose influence encourages the self-censorship of journalists and editorial staff" in Japan, as well as other Asia-Pacific countries including South Korea and Australia.
   In the 2022 rankings released on Tuesday, Norway maintained its top position for the sixth year in a row, followed by Denmark in the second place and Sweden in the third. The United States and South Korea ranked 42nd and 43rd, respectively.
   Russia dropped to 155th from 150th, reflecting its tightened restrictions on the press amid its invasion of Ukraine.
   Hong Kong, facing Beijing's strengthening control, dropped significantly to 148th from 80th. China inched up to 175th from 177th.


