2022.05.02 12:31Nation

観光船運航会社を捜索 業務上過失致死容疑―知床沖事故で強制捜査・海保

 北海道・知床半島沖で26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が沈没した事故で、第1管区海上保安本部(小樽市)は2日、業務上過失致死容疑で、斜里町の運航会社「知床遊覧船」事務所や同社社長宅など関係先を家宅捜索した。同容疑や業務上過失往来危険容疑などでの捜査を本格化させ、押収資料の分析などを通じて過失責任の有無の解明を進める。

2022.05.02 12:31Nation

Tour Boat Operator Raided over Fatal Accident off Hokkaido

Japan Coast Guard officers Monday raided the operator of the Kazu I sightseeing tour boat, which sank off the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, on April 23.
   The 1st Regional Coast Guard Headquarters searched the office of Shiretoko Yuransen in the Hokkaido town of Shari and other related locations, including the home of the company's head, for alleged professional negligence resulting in death.
   In the accident, 14 of the 26 passengers and crew members have been found and confirmed dead. Searches are going on for the remaining 12 people.
   Seiichi Katsurada, 58, head of the operator, has said he decided to have the boat depart for a sightseeing tour on condition that it returned if the sea became rough, although he was aware of strong wind and high surf advisories issued for the town.
   Katsurada also claims to have talked with Noriyuki Toyoda, the 54-year-old captain of the boat, before making the decision. The captain remains unaccounted for.


