2022.04.26 18:40Nation

上皇ご夫妻、仙洞御所に入居 代替わりでの引っ越し完了


2022.04.26 18:40Nation

Japan Ex-Emperor, Empress Move into New Residence

Japanese Emperor Emeritus Akihito and Empress Emerita Michiko, the parents of Emperor Naruhito, moved into their new residence in the Akasaka Estate in Tokyo on Tuesday afternoon.
   The former Emperor and Empress arrived from the Hayama Imperial Villa in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, where they stayed from April 12.
   They have lived in their temporary residence in Tokyo for about two years since moving out of the Imperial Palace in the Japanese capital in March 2020, following the former Emperor's abdication April 30, 2019.
   The new residence, refurbished from the Akasaka Imperial Residence, has been renamed the Sento Imperial Residence.
   The residence is a reinforced concrete building with two stories aboveground and one underground. Its total floor space is 6,117 square meters.


