2022.04.26 17:42Nation

23年大卒、企業の採用意欲回復 求人倍率、4年ぶり改善―リクルート


2022.04.26 17:42Nation

Job Availability for Graduates Improves for 1st Time in 4 Yrs

The ratio of job openings to job seekers among university students graduating next spring rose 0.08 point from the previous year to 1.58, up for the first time in four years, a private survey showed Tuesday.
   Although the figure fell short of levels before the coronavirus pandemic, recruitment appetite is on a recovery trend among companies in many industries, including manufacturers, against a backdrop of labor shortages.
   The job availability ratio shows the number of job openings per student seeking jobs at private companies.
   By industry, the logistics industry posted the highest ratio, at 7.77, down 0.35 point, followed by the construction sector, at 7.70, up 1.30 points.
   The total number of available jobs at private companies rose 4.5 pct to 706,900. The number grew in all groups of companies by size. Still, it inched up by only 0.5 pct for small companies with less than 300 employees, as some of them are believed to be cautious about hiring due to concerns over the coronavirus crisis and the situation in Ukraine.


