新築住宅にも省エネ基準義務化 25年度から、改正案を閣議決定
Japan to Make Energy-Saving Features Mandatory for New Homes
The Japanese government Friday adopted a bill to make it mandatory for new homes to meet energy-saving standards from fiscal 2025.
The government hopes that the bill to revise the law to enhance energy-saving performance of buildings will be enacted during the current ordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, ending on June 15, as the country aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
It is difficult to extend the Diet session ahead of this summer's election for the House of Councillors, the Upper House.
As this makes it difficult to secure enough time for deliberations, the government and the Liberal Democratic Party-led ruling bloc carefully considered whether to introduce the bill during the session.
But the government judged that it is necessary to get the bill enacted at an early date, following strong requests from house builders and lawmakers supporting energy conservation, sources said.