自衛隊機の着陸拒否明言せず 民間機は許可と説明―インド
Indian Official Avoids Comment on SDF Landing Refusal
Indian External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi on Thursday avoided making a direct comment on whether the Indian government has denied the landing of Japanese Self-Defense Forces aircraft carrying humanitarian supplies for Ukraine.
At a press conference, Bagchi said that India allows the SDF aircraft to fly over the country.
"We had received a request from Japan for permission to land in Mumbai to pick up humanitarian supplies," the spokesperson admitted, adding that the government has given "approval for picking up such supplies from India using commercial aircraft."
The Japanese government has been planning to load U.N. aid supplies onto the SDF aircraft in Mumbai and then transport the cargo to Ukraine's neighboring countries.
However, India's refusal to allow the SDF aircraft to land in the country came to light on Thursday. India may have prioritized its long-standing ties with Russia, observers said.