2022.04.20 18:41Nation

IR誘致頓挫 県議会が否決、申請断念―和歌山


2022.04.20 18:41Nation

Nagasaki OKs Casino Resort Plan; Project of Wakayama Nixed

The assembly of Nagasaki Prefecture, southwestern Japan, on Wednesday approved by a majority vote a bill to seek national government authorization for the prefecture's plan to host a casino-featuring integrated resort.
   The Nagasaki prefectural government will submit the plan to the central government by the deadline on April 28. The project calls for procuring funds totaling 438.3 billion yen to cover IR construction and other necessary costs.
   The prefectural government hopes to open the resort in the city of Sasebo around autumn 2027, expecting it to attract 6.73 million visitors and earn 271.6 billion yen of revenue in fiscal 2031.
   Meanwhile, the prefectural assembly of Wakayama, western Japan, rejected the same day a bill to submit its IR development plan to the state. Twenty-two members of the assembly voted against the bill, with some of them saying that the prefecture's fundraising plan is unclear, while 18 members voted for it.
   Wakayama Governor Yoshinobu Nisaka told reporters that the rejection by the assembly is "extremely regrettable." Noting, however, that the central government may solicit bids to host an IR again, Nisaka said, "We can give it another try if the new opportunity comes because an IR is necessary for spurring regional revitalization."


