2022.04.17 07:07Nation

ウクライナ語に高まる関心 ツイッターやアプリで学習―避難民に語学支援も

 ウクライナ出身の歌手で、民族楽器「バンドゥーラ」奏者のナターシャ・グジーさん(42)=東京都=は侵攻後の3月22日から、ツイッター上でウクライナ語を伝える活動を始めた。「#勝手にウクライナ語会話」というハッシュタグ(検索用の目印)を付け、「ありがとう」は「デャークユ」、「どういたしまして」は「ブッドゥ ラースカ」など、日常会話で使える単語を毎日カタカナ表記で紹介。所属事務所によると、ウクライナのことを少しでも身近に感じてもらおうと、練習の合間に投稿を続けているという。

2022.04.17 07:07Nation

Initiatives for Teaching Ukrainian Language on Rise in Japan

Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, efforts to boost people's interest in the Ukrainian language are spreading online in Japan.
   Nataliya Gudziy, a Ukrainian musician in Tokyo who plays the bandura, a folk instrument, has been making daily posts about the language on Twitter since March 22, roughly a month after the invasion started Feb. 24.
   Using the hashtag "katteni Ukrainago kaiwa," or "Ukrainian conversation lessons on my own," 42-year-old Gudziy has been tweeting everyday Ukrainian phrases such as "dyakuyu" and "bud laska," which mean "thank you" and "you're welcome," respectively. The phrases are transliterated in "katakana" Japanese characters.
   According to her office, Gudziy, who wants people in Japan to feel closer to Ukraine, has been posting between practice sessions.
   The operator of the Duolingo language-learning app released an introductory guide to the Ukrainian language online in mid-March. The guide includes unique pronunciation and grammatical features compared to Russian, a similar language.


