2022.04.15 17:20Nation

れいわ・山本代表、参院選出馬へ 衆院に議員辞職願提出


2022.04.15 17:20Nation

Reiwa Shinsengumi Head Quits Lower House to Run for Upper House

Taro Yamamoto, leader of Japanese opposition party Reiwa Shinsengumi, on Friday submitted his resignation as a House of Representatives member to run in this summer's House of Councillors election.
   "I've decided to resign because I think it necessary to increase the party's seats in the next election" for the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, Yamamoto told a press conference.
   In the Upper House election, he plans to run in a prefectural constituency, though he did not say which constituency he will run in.
   Yamamoto was elected to the all-important lower chamber from the Tokyo proportional representation bloc in October last year. His resignation is expected to be approved at a Lower House plenary meeting as early as Tuesday.
   Yamamoto is in his first term as a Lower House member. If his resignation is approved, the party's runner-up candidate under the proportional representation system is expected to take the vacant seat.


