2022.04.02 13:05Nation

「表現の不自由展」開催 少女像など展示―東京・国立市


2022.04.02 13:05Nation

Art Exhibition Featuring Comfort Women Statue Opens in Tokyo

An art exhibition featuring a statue of a girl symbolizing so-called comfort women opened in Tokyo on Saturday.
   The "Non-Freedom of Expression Exhibition," held at the Kunitachi Community Arts Center in the city of Kunitachi, western Tokyo, was heavily guarded by police officers as protesters caused a commotion near the venue.
   The exhibition, which will run through Tuesday, features art pieces by 16 artist units, including the girl's statue.
   Comfort women, mostly Koreans, were prostitutes at Japanese military brothels before and during World War II. Wartime issues remain a sensitive topic between Japan and South Korea.
   The Tokyo exhibit was initially slated to be held at a different venue in June last year, but was postponed after the venue owner refused to rent the place for the event in response to activities by protesters.


