2022.04.01 17:02Nation

岸田首相、補正予算に慎重 公明は直接要求―参院本会議


2022.04.01 17:02Nation

Kishida Cautious about Compiling Extra Budget Soon

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Friday indicated a cautious attitude to compiling a fiscal 2022 supplementary budget and getting it enacted during the ongoing parliamentary session to finance a planned emergency economic package to tackle soaring oil and other prices.
   "We'll prioritize taking swift actions using general reserve funds and those for measures against the coronavirus," both included in the government's initial budget for the fiscal year that started the same day, Kishida told a House of Councillors plenary meeting.
   The prime minister was responding to a question from a lawmaker of Komeito, his Liberal Democratic Party's coalition partner, who claimed that an extra budget is needed for full-fledged measures.


