2022.03.31 11:02Nation

原油・レアメタル確保へ緊急対策 ウクライナ情勢に対応―経産省


2022.03.31 11:02Nation

Japan Adopts Measures for Stable Supply of Oil, Rare Metals

Japan's trade ministry on Thursday adopted a set of emergency measures aimed at ensuring stable supplies of important resources and materials, such as crude oil and rare metals, amid the crisis in Ukraine.
   The measures include asking oil-producing countries to increase output in preparation for a possible halt of crude oil supply from Russia. They were adopted at the first meeting of the ministry's headquarters on the supply chains for strategic materials and energy.
   The ministry is seeking to reduce Japan's dependence on Russia in an effort to minimize the impact of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine on the Japanese economy.
   The ministry concluded that it needs to take swift action regarding seven of 20 goods it imports from Russia or Ukraine, including crude oil, liquefied natural gas, palladium and gases used in semiconductor manufacturing.
   "Instead of only focusing on the recent situation, we should make efforts across the ministry based on a higher viewpoint of pursuing the survival of the nation and stabilizing citizens' lives," trade minister Koichi Hagiuda said at the meeting.


