2022.03.29 17:16Nation

コロナ関連解雇、累計13万人超 増加ペースは鈍化―厚労省


2022.03.29 17:16Nation

Pandemic-Related Dismissals Top 130,000 in Japan

Japan's cumulative cases of dismissals and employment contracts not being renewed due to the effects of the novel coronavirus pandemic stood at 130,178 as of Friday, a labor ministry tally showed Tuesday.
   In fiscal 2021, which started in April last year, such dismissal and contract termination cases increased by around 1,000-3,000 per month, even after the highly infectious omicron variant of the coronavirus started to spread rapidly in Japan earlier this year. The pace of growth slowed compared with fiscal 2020, when the monthly increase exceeded 10,000 at one point.
   The ministry started compiling the tally in February 2020.
   By industry, the manufacturing sector had the largest cumulative number of dismissals and contract terminations, at 31,389 as of Friday. Over 10,000 people have so far been fired or seen their employment contracts not renewed each in the retail, restaurant and accommodation sectors.
   According to records dating back to May 25, 2020, the cumulative number of nonregular workers who were dismissed or had their employment contracts terminated due to the pandemic came to 59,686.


