2022.03.25 00:11Nation

最期の過ごし方、相談は35% がん患者と医師、割合低く―遺族5万人調査・研究センター


2022.03.25 00:11Nation

35 Pct of Cancer Patients in Japan Talk about Terminal Care

Of people who died of cancer in Japan, only about 35 pct had talked with doctors about resuscitation or where they wanted to receive terminal care, according to an estimate by the National Cancer Center Japan.
   The figures are relatively low by international standards. The center is stressing the need for cancer patients to have enough discussions on terminal care and the medicines they want to take in the last-stage of their lives.
   The center surveyed some 111,000 bereaved family members of patients who died of cancer in 2017 and 2018. Of the recipients, some 54,000 gave valid answers. The patients were 78 years old on average, with more than half of them in their 80s or older.
   The survey found that 35.7 pct of cancer patients talked with doctors about where they wanted to be treated at the end of their lives and that 35.1 pct of such patients consulted about resuscitation after cardiopulmonary arrest.
   The shares of cancer patients who talked with doctors on their terminal care and resuscitation who died at home were higher than those of those who died in hospitals or other facilities.


