台湾、日本に調査団派遣 福島第1原発の処理水放出
Taiwan Sends Team to Japan to Survey N-Plant Water Release
The Taiwanese government dispatched an investigative team to Japan on Wednesday to look into the details of the planned release into the sea of treated water containing radioactive tritium from the disaster-crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.
The team, made up of eight members including experts, will be in Japan through Sunday to visit the Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. plant in Fukushima Prefecture, the site of the 2011 triple reactor meltdown, and other locations.
Taiwan has expressed its opposition to the water release plan, while avoiding directing strong criticism at Japan like China and South Korea.
When dispatching the survey team, Taiwan's Atomic Energy Council said it will closely monitor moves related to the water release plan and ensure the safety and health of people of the self-ruled island.
At the Fukushima No. 1 plant, water contaminated with radioactive substances keeps increasing as TEPCO continues to cool nuclear fuel debris at the damaged reactors. The water is processed through treatment equipment before being stored in tanks. But the equipment cannot remove tritium.