2022.03.23 20:53Nation

12人に1人、生理用品に苦労 初の実態調査―厚労省


2022.03.23 20:53Nation

1 in 12 Women in Japan Struggles to Get Menstrual Items

One in about 12 women in Japan has struggled to obtain menstrual items, the health ministry's first survey on the so-called period poverty showed Wednesday.
   The survey also found that 64.4 pct of all respondents did not know whether their local governments distribute such items free of charge.
   Last year, the government in its priority policy for gender equality promised to tackle the issue of women unable to buy menstrual items for economic and other reasons.
   Some public facilities and schools are increasingly conducting the free distribution of such goods. The ministry said, however, that there is a need to spread information about such support systems.
   The online survey, conducted in February, covered women aged between 18 and 49 across the country, with 3,000 of them giving answers on how they had obtained menstrual items since the novel coronavirus began spreading markedly in Japan in February 2020.


