2022.03.23 12:40Nation

日台「安保上のパートナー」 蔡総統、安倍氏とオンライン対談


2022.03.23 12:40Nation

Taiwan Pres. Tsai Regards Japan as Security Partner

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has said during an online meeting with former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that Japan is an important trade partner and security partner for Taiwan.
   Their talks were held Tuesday on the sidelines of a general assembly of a suprapartisan group of Japanese lawmakers to strengthen relations between Japan and Taiwan.
   The video of the online talks was uploaded to the internet Wednesday.
   With the Russian invasion of Ukraine in mind, Tsai said that such an outrageous act should never be allowed in the Indo-Pacific region or elsewhere in the world.
   "It is important for Japan and Taiwan to share information for regional stability," Abe said.


