2022.03.21 00:11Nation

発見50年で壁画報道公開 高松塚古墳―奈良


2022.03.21 00:11Nation

Japanese Ancient Wall Paintings Shown to Media

Colorful wall paintings found inside an ancient tumulus in Nara Prefecture were shown to the media before Japan marked the 50th anniversary of their discovery Monday.
   The murals including those of "Asuka Bijin" beautiful women were found inside the Takamatsuzuka Tomb in the Nara village of Asuka, western Japan, on March 21, 1972, during research by the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara and others.
   The tumulus was built between the late seventh and early eighth centuries. The murals are a designated national treasure.
   Later, the murals were found to have been severely damaged, with mold growing on the surface.
   In 2007, the Cultural Affairs Agency disassembled the tumulus' stone compartment and transferred the murals into a provisional facility for repair in Asuka. The repair work finished in March 2020.


